Video Twice Land Zone 2 Saat Tiba di Airport Jakarta
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Melihat Cewek-Cewek Cantik dari Twice Land yang datang ke Indonesia, guna menghibur para pengggemarnya. Artis Selebritis Luar Indonesia.

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Twitter FunBase Said:
I am very sorry for ONCE Indonesia's behavior at the airport today, and for TWICE I am so sorry for the ONCE (not real)  Indonesia has made you feel uncomfortable 😖😢

Liat 9 cewek bening mah jadi gini, pada barbar semwa~ #twicelandinjkt

Listen u can't justify that just because you touched them softly it was okay nobody's supposed to get THAT near and touch them. Take as many pictures as u want but stay the fvck away and give them space add to that ya'll probably screaming so loud near them smh

I hate it how Those ONCE’s at the airport treated our girls ... please don’t invade the personal space from your idol !

A REAL ONCE shouldn't do anythting that makes TWICE feel uncomfortable.
Congrats to all of you who were at airport & make the riot. Y'all sucess to make IDN ONCE get a lot of bad impression. Although, the REAL INDONESIAN ONCE doesn't do that.

TWICE is the most active/busiest girl group ever. so why not appreciate them more rather than caused chaotic situation at airport. After they have their concert in bangkok they got schedule for ISAC chuseok and now concert in jakarta. Let them rest please. #TWICELANDinJKT
Foto Twice Lane Zone 2 di Jakarta

Last edited by Bujang (24-08-2018 03:48:13)